Why Can't I Print From My iPad?
When you are having difficulty printing from your ipad, first check to make sure it is connected to the correct wifi.
For staff, your ipad should be on the SSD-Staff wifi. For students, it should be on SSD-Student.
If it is connected to the SSD-Guest wifi, you will not be able to see the SSD-BW printer to print to. If your ipad is on the SSD-Guest wifi, switch it over to the correct wifi and then try printing again.
If you still cannot print, it's possible you let someone else print from you ipad and now their printing credentials are associated to your ipad. To remove them:
Go to the "share" button where you would normally go to print and select "Print" from the options list.

Next, locate the SSD-BW printer in your list of printers.

Select the blue "i" next to the SSD-BW printer.

Select "Forget Username and Password" button. This will remove any user printing credentials from your ipad.

Now go back to your list of printers and select the SSD-BW printer again.

Now, When you select the SSD-BW printer it will bring up a sign in window
Enter in your username (without the @shawanoschools.org) and your e-mail password. Select "OK"

Set up your printing preferences and then select "Print"

At The Printer:
For Staff:
At the printer you will then scan your badge, select print release and then print your documents.
For Students:
At the printer, they will need to click “sign in” on the printer. Their pin # at the printer is the first 3 letters of their last name (all lower case) followed by their Lunch Code.
Student Pin# Example:
Name- John Williams Lunch Code-223445
Print pin would be: wil223445